I send a letter to this community periodically to help explain how Chinese medicine looks in our real lives - the theories of Chinese medicine do not exist on the acupuncture table only!
If you’re new here I’ve used this page to collect some of my favorites so that you can get a sense of how I view and use this medicine.
If you want to receive these letters to your inbox (sent once monthly at most) you can sign up by clicking here.
Fall & Chinese Medicine
How I relate Fall, home renovation and “before and afters” to Chinese medicine.
Concussions & Alchemy
Does it feel like you've wandered far from your path? -Acupuncture can help.
Moving Forward from Covid in the year of the tiger
Healing and preparing the human spirit with Chinese medicine.
The Solstice & Chinese medicine
Are you feeling disconnected from the light?
- Acupuncture can help.