Qi Gong for breast health

image of a stormy sunset over water

what is it?

Can’t make it on the 29th?

This is a 75 minute class offered periodically when enough interest has been expressed for a new class to run. If you have 5 or 6 “breast friends” and you want to take a class together contact me so we can find a time!

The fee for the class is $80 per person.

Let me know if you want to be on the list for the next class!

or check my booking page to see if one is already in the works.

soft focus of a mountain scape at dawn

when is it?

The next class will take place online on Saturday June 29th at 10am.

Qi Gong uses all the same theories and channels that acupuncture uses but instead of needles and herbs, the prescription is simple movements that help to build and balance our body energies.

The underlying theory is that if the channels are full of qi then disease will be much less likely to be able to take root.

By engaging in a regular practice of a series of simple movements you can begin to fill the channels that run through the chest and breast area with strong healthy qi.

I use this practice to feel that there is something positive I can do to help maintain my health. While I am not a qi gong teacher I have been taught these movements with the specific intention of being able to share the practice with others that want to improve the health of their breasts.

This practice is safe for any stage of health or recovery. This is a great practice for post-surgical or post-radiation range of motion deficiencies.